[PDF] Darfur The Long Road To Disaster Ebook

Darfur The Long Road To Disaster By Whsmith Books

Darfur The Long Road To Disaster By Millard Burr
Darfur : the long road to disaster (Book, 2008) [WorldCat.org] "In Darfur: The Long Road to Disaster, Burr and Collins have updated their original 1999 volume with additional chapters. The new title is not a publisher's gimmick: this is indeed the prehistory of Darfur's tragedy, and it is essential, if difficult, reading for any serious student of the crisis... Project MUSE - Darfur: The Long Road to Disaster (review) In Darfur: The Long Road to Disaster, Burr and Collins have updated their original 1999 volume with additional chapters. The new title is not a publisher's gimmick: this is indeed the prehistory of Darfur's tragedy, and it is essential, if difficult, reading for any serious student of the crisis. The book's shortcoming is its weakness of method. Darfur: The Long Road to Disaster by Millard Burr Images of the genocide in Darfur have shocked the Western world: Upwards of 300,000 of its inhabitants have died, and another 2.5 million have become refugees. Those affected by the violence are estimated at almost 4 million, 700,000 of whom are now beyond the reach of humanitarian assistance. These ...

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