[PDF] Berenike And The Ancient Maritime Spice Route Ebook

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Berenike and the Ancient Maritime Spice Route on JSTOR Berenike and the Ancient Maritime Spice Route. ... The ancient city of Berenike, located approximately 500 miles south of todays Suez Canal, was a significant port among these conduits. In this book, Steven E. Sidebotham, the archaeologist who excavated Berenike, uncovers the role the city played in the regional, local, and global ... Berenike and the Ancient Maritime Spice Route - Steven E ... The legendary overland silk road was not the only way to reach Asia for ancient travelers from the Mediterranean. During the Roman Empires heyday, equally important maritime routes reached from the Egyptian Red Sea across the Indian Ocean. The ancient city of Berenike, located approximately 500 miles south of todays Suez Canal, was a significant port among these conduits. Berenike and the Ancient Maritime Spice Route American ... This thorough publication of Berenike, its hinterland, and its economic importance is a significant book that makes for fascinating reading. As classical studies move beyond a world centered on the Mediterranean and ancient literature, the importance of places like Berenike becomes more and more apparent.

Ancient Maritime Route Between India Egypt Africa China

Spice Trade Routes The Spice Trade Route 100 1500 Ce
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